Experiment 1
        Experiment 2
        Experiment 3
        Experiment 4




      Experiment 4 : Matching Impedance






     First part




     Vmax =                        mV ,   Pmax                           mW


     Vmin  =                        mV ,   Pmin                            mW


     Calculated the m, s, ρ2 and ρ with the measured values (with the aid of experiment 3).



        m =1/s = (1-ρ) /(1+ρ)

        ρ = Vr/Vv

        ρ = Pr/Pv

        Pr = [Pv (s-1) ²] / [(s+1) ²] = Pv. ρ²

        ρ =Pr / Pv ≤ 1





     Second part


     You need a guide wavelength of λH for the second experiment. As you are using the frequency for the micrometer 

     screw setting at 1.25 mm, the λH can be taken from experiment 2.


     Draw the m circle as in Figure 12 below  which you have established in the first part of the experiment. Point A, for 

     example, which results from point of intersection of the measured, m circle with the value l/ λ = 0.11 may serve 

     as stating point for further calculations.


     Calculated the value of the line length, lAB to reach a point B on the m-circle from which transformation can take 

     place to point 1 (ideal matching) with a series C.


     lAB =                             cm


     A point C could be reached with longer line section from which a direct matching could be achieved with a series L. 

     Calculated the length of this line to get from A to C.


     lAC =                             cm


     Calculated the line sections with the aid of the guide wavelength, λH and the ratio l/ λ from figure 12  below.


     l/ λAB =                         cm,  l/ λAC =               cm


































Figure 12: Smith Chart diagram for calculating the matching


* Please go to the discussion section : Discussions



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